What is an elementary particle?

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All the matter in the Universe consists of atoms. This is a statement most of us know already. All atoms consist of tiny fundamental particles like electrons, protons, and neutrons, etc. This statement is very common as well. At least any science student knows that.

But what most students are not sure about is that a fundamental particle is not an elementary particle always. Actually, the two terms are coined for two different types of particles.

The basic particles that are used to describe the major physical and chemical properties of elements are known as the fundamental particles.

The particles that are the smallest known ones and that can not be broken down into simpler ones are known as the elementary particles.

There are a whole lot of elementary particles that scientists have discovered over time. These particles have been broadly classified into two classes: fermions and bosons.

Fermions are further of two types: Quarks and Leptons.
Bosons are of two types as well: Gauge bosons and the scalar bosons.

For a complete description of these particles click here
