Why do feet smell?

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Stinky feet are a problem of almost any athlete who is indulged in strenuous activity, wearing shoes all the time but what is the cause of this smell?
File:Isovaleric acid structure.pngActually the cause is bacteria which accumulate and feed on the sweat. Our feet are continuous production sites of sweat, they do so all the time, in contrast to other body parts which produce sweat only when needed. So when the feet continue to produce sweat, there is a possibility that the sweat feeders(Bacteria) have a sound chance to gather for this feast. Usually if one avoids cleanliness and wears the same socks over and over again, the bacteria get a chance to enjoy the ever releasing food. They do so, initially by entangling themselves to the socks or shoes and when given enough time, they stick to the skin and refresh themselves with the delicious meal on offer.
In doing so, they produce an acid named IsoValeric Acid which is the main cause of the smell we all have problem with.
Remedy: In order to avoid the problem, it is advised that the shoes and socks must never be wore with out proper drying and proper hygiene must be observed to abstain these bacteria dying to reach the sweaty restaurant.
