Why Banana ripens rapidly in a Plastic Bag?

Image result for banana ripening process
Picture by www.britannica.com

Ripening may be considered as aging.If you look at the life span of a fruiting plant(Angiosperm), it appears that the seeds produce flowers, flowers give fruits, fruits produce seeds and the cycle continues.(Although no seeds are there in banana due to a special type of fertilization yet the life cycle is pretty similar to other Angiosperms).
All the events in the life span of Angiosperms are hormone dependent and plants have various hormones to serve the purpose.The hormone in case of ripening of banana is a gas named Ethene. It evolves from banana and helps it ripen and age.
When we put banana in a polythene bag, the ethene gas is entrapped in the organic plastic, its concentration rises and ripening speeds up many folds. That is the reason why banana becomes softer and decayed in a polythene bag in a shorter period of time compared to the one placed in open atmosphere.
